So what are their significance?
The Magnetosphere Shield
Planet Earth is like a gigantic magnet and its magnetic influence extends outwards in a large bubble shape called the magnetosphere. A constant flow of waves of charged energy particles, amplified by the ‘transformer’ effect of the Sun’s core, flows around the magnetosphere, however during certain conditions, an influx can breach the magnetosphere, crossing into near-Earth space.
Recent observations by space probes, in particular NASA’s Advanced Composition Explorer, (ACE), have revealed that our entire Solar System is emerging from out of a densely magnetic region of space that astrophysicists call the ‘Local Cloud.’ The Local Cloud, together with Earth’s and the Sun’s own atmospheres and electromagnetic fields, have shielded us from much of the potential power of the ‘Superwaves’ of charged energy particle radiation emitted from nearby galaxies.
However with the reduction in effectiveness of these shields, these cosmic sound energy waves are beginning to reach and affect organic life on the Earth’s surface more powerfully and intensely.
What are Earth Energy Lines?
These cosmic energies penetrate the Earth’s surface, crust, mantle and outer core layers to the Earth’s inner core. This is a solid iron/nickel composition which acts as a ‘transducer’.
This process converts these waves of galactic energies into very low frequency, spherical, standing waves of sound and electromagnetic energy. These energies radiate back out from the inner core, through the Earth’s layers to the Earth’s surface and beyond. The patterns these spherical energies create on the Earth’s surface are made up of linear high and low pressure ‘zones’, or corridors of energy, which are often in the same locations as known Leylines.
Aside from the space probe observations, further evidence of this has been observed with the Earth energy lines themselves, particularly after the Summer Solstice in 2017 when they started to widen and increase in strength. At that time there were just three pairs of the most powerful sound energy lines (Type 4 – also called Emperor Dragon Lines) being sustained by galactic energy sources.
They are radiated out via the transducer effect of Earth’s inner core and circumnavigate the planet, across sea and land masses. Then in January 2018 another pair of Earth energy lines appeared, of equal power to the existing three Emperor Dragon pairs. Their influence is affecting the entire ‘network’ of all the other types of existing Earth energy lines all around the planet. Verified measurements have shown they have all strengthened and widened again since January 2018.
These Earth energy lines do, of course, run through urban areas as well as rural ones, and the increase in their strength, particularly for those living on the ultra-low frequency sound lines, is affecting more and more people. Some are experiencing increasing challenges to their mental health, their emotional wellbeing and even their sleep and dream states.
Emperor Dragon Lines
Of even greater significance is that two more major streams of galactic energy (Emperor Dragons) start arriving in December 2018. The implications of all this increased energy on Earth’s organic life has been significant. It appears that similar combinations of cosmic events have happened in the planets past. Our ancestors experienced them and many teachings, sacred texts and prophecies point towards this time as a great transition period and urge us to prepare for such events again.
More and more people have been and are preparing, without particularly or directly knowing why, as evidenced by the growth in awareness, mindfulness practices and spirituality generally, which emerged into mainstream cultures towards the latter half of the last century and continue to grow with ever greater impetus.
The Golden Age
The current energy phenomena described brings incredible opportunities as well as challenges. On the really positive side is the potential for the ancient prophecies to manifest, transitioning us into an evolutionary period for human and planetary consciousness which has been called the ‘Golden Age’.
On the not so good side, we are told that if we miss this transformational, evolutionary opportunity, humans beings will remain, for the most part, locked into their existing levels of consciousness.
These have, undoubtedly, led to much of the negative, ego-based, self-serving and corrupt influences expressed in certain human behaviours today, especially, and sadly, too often in those in leadership roles and positions.
Earth Energy Nodes
Geobiologist Rory Duff has spent many years studying the movements of these Earth energy lines and recording their differing natures, sizes, strengths, characteristics and influences. His research identifies several different groups of Earth energy lines, each moving or vibrating within bands of their own frequency. However, most markedly, four times a year, for just a short period of time, all of these energy groups move into frequency harmony with one another.
At these highly auspicious times, new energy shapes and patterns are produced on the Earth’s surface at the places where these Energy lines intersect one another, called ‘Nodal Points, or Nodes.’ Our ancestors, from numerous cultures around the World, knew the significance of these ‘intersecting’ places and constructed their temples, monuments, circles, pyramids, standing stones, burial places and other sacred sites on them. This is why so many of them are on and connected by the same Leylines or Earth energy lines as each other, as the lines circumnavigate the planet.
Solstices and Equinoxes
It was especially at the four times of frequency harmony each year that they would gather for their spiritual ceremonies to process this ‘high octane’ energy for their own conscious development and other reasons, only some of which are still known to us today.
Further research has established that these unique harmony times always start and end the day before the Solstices and the Equinoxes – and they only last for a few hours, during which extraordinary energetic formations and phenomena occurs.
So what can we do?
The planet’s organic life, in the form of human beings, has an essential role in this transition. To be of service to this incredible transformation requires a change in perspective and priorities from ‘the planet is here for us’, to essentially ‘we are here for the planet’.
However human life can benefit massively from this arrangement! The question is what then can we do towards ensuring this transitional time for the planet also includes the evolution of human consciousness as fully as the opportunity presents. If successful, we will alleviate much of the suffering that is currently going on all around the World today and contribute to the dawning of the potential Golden Age for mankind?
Equinoxes and Solstices
Millions of people around the World now join in group prayers and meditations. What is being proposed is that during the seven year transition period which began in earnest in January 2018, we harness the enhanced power and effectiveness associated with such collective consciousness. In particularly, during these four times of frequency harmony each year, and where possible at the symmetrical Earth energy intersections where they are most influential.
The ultimate premise is that if enough people do this, albeit in many small groups, a critical energetic threshold or ‘tipping point’ will be reached, triggering and making possible an evolutionary new level of human consciousness, from which all mankind will come to benefit.
Notes on Oliver’s Hill
On Oliver’s is a powerful nodal point. It is on the St Michael & Mary Earth energy lines, (Type 3) which run west to east across the UK from Land’s End on the tip of Cornwall to the eastern tip of Norfolk.
The twin lines pass through St Michaels Mount, The Hurlers Stone Circles, Glastonbury Tor, Oliver’s Hill, Avebury Henge, Silbury Hill and its sister hill, Merlin’s Mount in Marlborough, Waulads Bank, Royston Cave (used by the Knights Templar), Bury St Edmonds Abbey and various Neolithic sites in between.
The next ‘Harmony’ phenomena will occur on 19th March 2023. People all around the world are preparing to gather at various symmetrical Earth energy intersections on this date and meditate together. If you feel drawn to be part of this, come to the powerful Earth energy node at Oliver’s Hill, just outside Devizes on the 19th March at 11.11am. Join us for a meditation there for as long as you feel you want to stay.
Notes from Rory Duff’s ‘Emergence’ talks and other conversations.

So what’s really happening?
Notes from Rory Duff’s ‘Emergence’ talks and other conversations.
Planet Earth is like a gigantic magnet and its magnetic influence extends outwards in a large bubble shape called the magnetosphere. A constant flow of waves of charged energy particles, amplified by the ‘transformer’ effect of the Sun’s core, flows around the magnetosphere, however during certain conditions, an influx can breach the magnetosphere, crossing into near-Earth space.
Recent observations by space probes, in particular NASA’s Advanced Composition Explorer, (ACE), have revealed that our entire Solar System is emerging from out of a densely magnetic region of space that astrophysicists call the ‘Local Cloud.’
The Local Cloud, together with Earth’s and the Sun’s own atmospheres and electromagnetic fields, have shielded us from much of the potential power of the ‘Superwaves’ of charged energy particle radiation emitted from nearby galaxies. However with the reduction in effectiveness of these shields, these cosmic sound energy waves are beginning to reach and affect organic life on the Earth’s surface more powerfully and intensely.
And then these cosmic energies penetrate the Earth’s surface, crust, mantle and outer core layers to the Earth’s inner core. The inner core is a solid iron/nickel composition which acts as a ‘transducer’. This process converts these waves of galactic energies into very low frequency, spherical, standing waves of sound and electromagnetic energy. These energies radiate back out from the inner core, through the Earth’s layers to the Earth’s surface and beyond.
The patterns these spherical energies create on the Earth’s surface are made up of linear high and low pressure ‘zones’, or corridors of energy, which are often in the same locations as known Leylines.
Aside from the space probe observations, further evidence of this has been observed with the Earth energy lines themselves, particularly after the Summer Solstice in 2017 when they started to widen and increase in strength.
At that time there were just three pairs of the most powerful sound energy lines (Type 4 – also called Emperor Dragon Lines) being sustained by galactic energy sources. They are radiated out via the transducer effect of Earth’s inner core and circumnavigate the planet, across sea and land masses.
Then in January 2018 another pair of Earth energy lines appeared, of equal power to the existing three Emperor Dragon pairs. Their influence is affecting the entire ‘network’ of all the other types of existing Earth energy lines all around the planet. Verified measurements have shown they have all strengthened and widened again since that January.
These Earth energy lines do, of course, run through urban areas as well as rural ones, and the increase in their strength, particularly for those living on the ultra-low frequency sound lines, is affecting more and more people. Some are experiencing increasing challenges to their mental health, their emotional wellbeing and even their sleep and dream states.
Of even greater significance is that two more major streams of galactic energy (Emperor Dragons) started arriving in December 2018. The implications of all this increased energy on Earth’s organic life has been significant.
It appears that similar combinations of cosmic events have happened in the planets past. Our ancestors experienced them and many teachings, sacred texts and prophecies point towards this time as a great transition period and urge us to prepare for such events again.
Many of us have been and are preparing, without particularly or directly knowing why, as evidenced by the growth in awareness, mindfulness practices and spirituality generally, which emerged into mainstream cultures towards the latter half of the last century and continue to grow with ever greater impetus.
The Golden Age
The current energy phenomena described brings incredible opportunities as well as challenges. On the really positive side is the potential for the ancient prophecies to manifest, transitioning us into an evolutionary period for human and planetary consciousness which has been called the ‘Golden Age’.
On the not so good side, we are told that if we miss this transformational, evolutionary opportunity, humans beings will remain, for the most part, locked into their existing levels of consciousness. These have,
undoubtedly, led to much of the negative, ego-based, self-serving and corrupt influences expressed in certain human behaviours today, especially, and sadly, too often in those in leadership roles and positions.
The well known Geobiologist Rory Duff, has spent many years studying the movements of these Earth energy lines and recording their differing natures, sizes, strengths characteristics and influences. His research identifies several different groups of Earth energy lines, each moving or vibrating within bands of their own frequency. However, most markedly, four times a year, during the Equinoxes and Solstices, for just a short period of time, all of these energy groups move into frequency harmony with one another.
At these highly auspicious times, new energy shapes and patterns are produced on the Earth’s surface at the places where these Energy lines intersect one another, called ‘Nodal Points’, or ‘Nodes.’ Our ancestors, from many cultures around the World, knew the significance of these ‘intersecting’ places and constructed their temples, monuments,
circles, pyramids, standing stones, burial places and other sacred sites on them.
This is why so many of them are on and connected by the same Leylines or Earth energy lines as each other, as the lines circumnavigate the planet.
It was especially at the four times of frequency harmony each year that they would gather for their spiritual ceremonies to process this ‘high octane’ energy for their own conscious development and other reasons, only some of which are still unknown to us today.
Further research has established that these unique harmony times always start and end the day before the Solstices and the Equinoxes – and they only last for a few hours, during which extraordinary energetic formations and phenomena occurs.
So what can we do?
The planet’s organic life, especially in the form of human beings, has an essential role in this transition. To be of service to this incredible transformation requires a change in perspective and priorities from ‘the planet is here for us’, to essentially ‘we are here for the planet’. However human life can benefit massively from this arrangement..
The question is, what then can we do towards ensuring this transitional time for the planet also includes the evolution of human consciousness as fully as the opportunity presents. If successful, we will alleviate much of the suffering that is currently going on all around the World today and contribute to the dawning of the potential Golden Age for mankind.
Millions of people around the World already join in group prayer and meditation. What is being proposed is that during the seven year transition period we harness the enhanced power and effectiveness associated with such collective consciousness.
In particularly, during these four times of frequency harmony each year, and where possible at the symmetrical Earth energy intersections where they are most influential. The ultimate premise is that if enough people do this, albeit in many small groups, a critical energetic threshold or ‘tipping point’ will be reached, triggering and making possible an
evolutionary new level of human consciousness, from which all mankind will come to benefit. We cannot miss this opportunity.
Notes on Oliver’s Castle
On Oliver’s Castle (there is no actual castle remaining, just the hill it was built on) is a powerful nodal point. It is on the St Michael & Mary Earth energy lines, (Type 3) which run west to east across the UK from Land’s End on the tip of Cornwall to the eastern tip of Norfolk.
The twin lines pass through St Michaels Mount, The Hurlers Stone Circles, Glastonbury Tor, Avebury Henge, Silbury Hill and its sister hill, Merlin’s Mount in Marlborough, Waulads Bank, Royston Cave (used by the Knights Templar), Bury St Edmonds Abbey and various Neolithic sites in between. It is intersected by another Type 3 pair of energy lines at the Oliver’s Castle site.
The St Michael and Mary lines line follow the path of the Sun on the 8th of May (The spring festival of St. Michael) on an azimuth of around 242° (28° north of east). This day was celebrated in past times as ‘Beltane’, the beginning of summer and marks the midpoint in the Sun’s progression between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.